Freeing Windows Resources on the fly in Delphi Here is a fix for the out of resources problem many of us have experienced when using Delphi to create a program with a large number of controls (several hundred). To illustrate the problem, I created a test program (RSTEST1) with four forms. Each form has a panel and one or two buttons. Forms 2 and 3 also have a TTabSet and a TNotebook while form 4 has a TTabbedNotebook. The notebooks and tabbed notebook each have 4 pages, one blank and the others with many controls. If you run the program and cycle through all the forms and tabs while running a resource monitoring program such as Dr. Bob's RESMON available in the libraries, you will see a large percentage of your resources being consumed. I wrote a unit, FREERES.PAS which contains a procedure named FreeResources which takes a TWinControl as its handle. When called, it causes the VCL to free the resources used by that control and its descendants. Note that if the controls were visible they will disappear. When you cause them to be shown again, the resources will be reallocated by the VCL. The second sample program, RESTEST2, has several examples of using FreeResources on forms, notebook pages, and tabbed notebook pages. Form 3 frees the resources after another page or form has been displayed, while the other forms do the reverse: free the resources of the visible page or form then show the new one. This latter method causes more of a flicker on slow machines while the former method temporarily consumes more resources. Take your pick. One thing you need to watch out for, it only works for controls which never receive messages when they are not visible. I guess if someone used TWinControl or TCustomControl to derive a, for example, Winsock component which does not really need to be visible but needs a windows handle, you could run into problems. I suggest testing it thoroughly in your application before delivering it to paying customers! Thanks to Don Hatlestad for pointing this out. I hope this helps, and I welcome any feedback either through the Delphi forum on Compuserve by E-mail: Compuserve 76012,3614 or Internet Jim Seach